Wednesday 19 October 2016

Interesting facts about the okapis

Okapi believed to be the only existing relative of the giraffes. Hail from the parts of central Africa precisely Congo with in the Virunga region. They prefer dense places and moist areas i.e. forested areas hence justifying their stay in the forested areas of Congo.
 Their existences is endangered due to the fact that their habitats/ homes are being cleared for different activities and their susceptibility to different infection like bacteria, fungal and other diseases that drastically reduced on their number. Okapis are herbivore and they mainly feed on grass, leaves and small plants to supplement their diet.

Interesting facts about okapis.
Okapis resemble the zebras because of the stripes but are mores close to the giraffes regarding there structures and outlook.

Okapis are normally dark purple in color and reddish brown, contain white horizontal stripes on their front and hind legs.

The female okapis are bigger than the males, with the male weighting 440 pounds and the females weighting 700 pounds.

The okapis have long tongues about 18 inches and it when stretched it reaches their ears and eyes.
The okapi tongue is sticky meaning that is used to stripe leaves and buds from several trees they feed on. Besides eating fruits and twig.

Okapis have got huge ears and brilliant hearing sense which is mainly used for detection of possible attacks or danger from predators.

The okapis have a life span of 20 to 30 years.

The female’s gestation period last about 14 and 16 months and it ends with one calf.  The young okapi looks much like and adult animal.

 For the proper viewing of his beautiful creatureS one can under take Rwanda tour or  a Congo safaris visiting virunga National park 

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