Wednesday 12 October 2016

Golden Monkey facts

Golden monkey also known as (Cercopithecus kandti) are undeniably the most enchanting monkey species that are living .They found in the i.e. the Virunga volcanic mountain in central Africa, south west Uganda at mgahinga, kahuzi-biega national park Congo and  volcanoes national park Rwanda. However their famous location has be deemed to be volcanoes national park, they are restricted to the highland forest especially where bamboo is present. The bamboo serves as their main source of foods besides other supplementary diet such as fruits shrubs, flowers and to a lesser extent insects.

The current species are believed to be sub species of the blue monkeys which are also known as the (Cercopithecus mitis). Unlike this blues, the golden monkey still derive their names from the color that they possess, the golden color on their cheeks and close to orange color on their backs.

These incandescent creatures behavior is not so much into the lime light but the live in groups of about 30 -60 in number, the  groups thought to be in higher elevations tend to be few in number. They usually return to their sleeping areas after feeding in the day. The sleep in groups of four on top of the bamboo trees usually the dense ones which is combination of several bamboo trees.

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