Friday 7 October 2016

Gorilla Behavior from social to individaul.

General behaviors 
Gorillas are non-territorial and normally live in families called troops consisting of 1 to 4 males  normally headed by alpha male ( silver back)which the biggest and most powerful. Other juvenile males are also referred to as black backs.
The adolescent females usually leave their groups and transfer to another group at the age of 8 years when they are about to give birth. And after giving birth there, they become permanent members of that particular family. The ranks of the females are usually determined by the way and the time in which they entered the groups, late arrivals to groups don’t yield any substantive benefits. The reasons females join other groups is to have their offspring’s guarded by the silver back/ alpha males in that troop.
 An adolescent male usually splits from the original group in pursuit for a group to dominate and lack of breeding opportunities, after leaving, the young male may remain friendless for several years until he forms his own group.
The troops usually range from 2 to 12 and 9 being the average number of individuals per group. When the groups consist of several silver-backs, they are usually the sons of the alpha male/silver back. The biggest number that has ever existed in a group are 4 sliver backs, 12 adult females, 5 black backs and 16 young.

Common behavior
The alpha males/ silvers back are  aggressive this is attributed to the fact that they are in charge of the entire troop’s well fair and any weakness on their side could jeopardize the entire troop. Most of the major decisions in the group are usually still made by the alpha male, answerable to most of the calls and also take the largest share of food.
The female adult are not much bonded to the fellow females but they keep a close watch and with the silver backs. In other word they compete favorably for the silver back attention towards them. But they are also in close bong with their young ones.
Gorilla also give each other nose to nose gestures as a sign of greetings in addition to embracing and touching.

Individual character
Ordinarily gorilla build nests when the nesting materials are sufficient and the presence of these materials determines the where one beds. The material consists of tree branches, tree and shrubs, the little ones sleep in their mothers nest until they are old enough to make their own nests. How the practice of nest building by an infant starts at the age of 8 months.

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