Monday 24 October 2016


Mcs woowing the audience at Miss Tourism, Uganda 2016 Beauty contest              Photo Credit Ssebuuma Ivan's Photography

Quite often we have attended social functions and we always rate the quality of the function depending on the services provided sometimes by people we may never have expected to meet at all. The host has invested his substantial capital andinvaluable time to make it happen yet may not be reachable by everyone at the function and therefore his assembled team are conveyor belts between him and the guests. There should always be effective communication flow between the two parties (guests and host) necessitating delivery of very accurate information at an appropriate time. Read the environment cautiously, package the message very appropriately and deliver it on time. Hastily delivered message may cause panic, suspicion or embarrassment when retrieving it with apologies while withholding message makes it stale and old news at the time of delivery.

Make the function colourful and entertaining to suit the occasion. The dressing code, body posture and gesture, the tone and volume of talking and other minor things send messages to the guests and appropriately move them in certain moods. Read ahead of function and have facts on your finger tips, spice and sweeten them up and deliver them each at its appropriate time and tone. Take control of guests’ moods and keep them on their toes with timely excitements after another.

Be eloquent, smart, fast learner and alert of events even outside your background to make the event sociable.  Quickly take control of guests’ moods, get their names right, blend with them and make them feel welcome and at ease. Very fast read their gender composition, dressing code, estimate their age bracket. Do not over assume you are always right. Your assessment and judgement may be wrong. When in doubt tactfully and politely inquire and get answers from them without appearing to be sectarian. In most cases these are some factors that determine particular groups’ interests and give you an angle of how to keep them entertained.
Going an extra mile to keep the guests entertained. Colouful dressing and rare dancing strokes. Photo Credit Ssebuuma Ivan

An event should have a lifespan however entertaining and colourful and cannot last forever. It becomes monotonous and boring. The first sin was committed in the Garden of Eden according to our Christian teachings yet it was most beautiful place ever created.  Work within time schedule to appropriately convey the intended messages accompanied by entertainment.  Guests put aside their routine activities to grace your occasion and there is life beyond this occasion. Do away with unnecessary delays. Should there be unplanned interruptions towards delivery of quality service, be innovative enough and have plan B. No one wants to be held at ransom or prisoner against his will by unplanned events. Having an innovative team that reads events ahead of time is one sure way of delivering quality and timely service on an occasion.

With good planningand a team aware of the importance of an event and ready to offer their utmost to its success, there is no doubt anyone can organise an event that will raise eyebrows of guests and pierce everlasting impressions in their hearts. 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Interesting facts about the okapis

Okapi believed to be the only existing relative of the giraffes. Hail from the parts of central Africa precisely Congo with in the Virunga region. They prefer dense places and moist areas i.e. forested areas hence justifying their stay in the forested areas of Congo.
 Their existences is endangered due to the fact that their habitats/ homes are being cleared for different activities and their susceptibility to different infection like bacteria, fungal and other diseases that drastically reduced on their number. Okapis are herbivore and they mainly feed on grass, leaves and small plants to supplement their diet.

Interesting facts about okapis.
Okapis resemble the zebras because of the stripes but are mores close to the giraffes regarding there structures and outlook.

Okapis are normally dark purple in color and reddish brown, contain white horizontal stripes on their front and hind legs.

The female okapis are bigger than the males, with the male weighting 440 pounds and the females weighting 700 pounds.

The okapis have long tongues about 18 inches and it when stretched it reaches their ears and eyes.
The okapi tongue is sticky meaning that is used to stripe leaves and buds from several trees they feed on. Besides eating fruits and twig.

Okapis have got huge ears and brilliant hearing sense which is mainly used for detection of possible attacks or danger from predators.

The okapis have a life span of 20 to 30 years.

The female’s gestation period last about 14 and 16 months and it ends with one calf.  The young okapi looks much like and adult animal.

 For the proper viewing of his beautiful creatureS one can under take Rwanda tour or  a Congo safaris visiting virunga National park 

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Golden Monkey facts

Golden monkey also known as (Cercopithecus kandti) are undeniably the most enchanting monkey species that are living .They found in the i.e. the Virunga volcanic mountain in central Africa, south west Uganda at mgahinga, kahuzi-biega national park Congo and  volcanoes national park Rwanda. However their famous location has be deemed to be volcanoes national park, they are restricted to the highland forest especially where bamboo is present. The bamboo serves as their main source of foods besides other supplementary diet such as fruits shrubs, flowers and to a lesser extent insects.

The current species are believed to be sub species of the blue monkeys which are also known as the (Cercopithecus mitis). Unlike this blues, the golden monkey still derive their names from the color that they possess, the golden color on their cheeks and close to orange color on their backs.

These incandescent creatures behavior is not so much into the lime light but the live in groups of about 30 -60 in number, the  groups thought to be in higher elevations tend to be few in number. They usually return to their sleeping areas after feeding in the day. The sleep in groups of four on top of the bamboo trees usually the dense ones which is combination of several bamboo trees.

Friday 7 October 2016

Gorilla Behavior from social to individaul.

General behaviors 
Gorillas are non-territorial and normally live in families called troops consisting of 1 to 4 males  normally headed by alpha male ( silver back)which the biggest and most powerful. Other juvenile males are also referred to as black backs.
The adolescent females usually leave their groups and transfer to another group at the age of 8 years when they are about to give birth. And after giving birth there, they become permanent members of that particular family. The ranks of the females are usually determined by the way and the time in which they entered the groups, late arrivals to groups don’t yield any substantive benefits. The reasons females join other groups is to have their offspring’s guarded by the silver back/ alpha males in that troop.
 An adolescent male usually splits from the original group in pursuit for a group to dominate and lack of breeding opportunities, after leaving, the young male may remain friendless for several years until he forms his own group.
The troops usually range from 2 to 12 and 9 being the average number of individuals per group. When the groups consist of several silver-backs, they are usually the sons of the alpha male/silver back. The biggest number that has ever existed in a group are 4 sliver backs, 12 adult females, 5 black backs and 16 young.

Common behavior
The alpha males/ silvers back are  aggressive this is attributed to the fact that they are in charge of the entire troop’s well fair and any weakness on their side could jeopardize the entire troop. Most of the major decisions in the group are usually still made by the alpha male, answerable to most of the calls and also take the largest share of food.
The female adult are not much bonded to the fellow females but they keep a close watch and with the silver backs. In other word they compete favorably for the silver back attention towards them. But they are also in close bong with their young ones.
Gorilla also give each other nose to nose gestures as a sign of greetings in addition to embracing and touching.

Individual character
Ordinarily gorilla build nests when the nesting materials are sufficient and the presence of these materials determines the where one beds. The material consists of tree branches, tree and shrubs, the little ones sleep in their mothers nest until they are old enough to make their own nests. How the practice of nest building by an infant starts at the age of 8 months.

Monday 3 October 2016


Warm weather is so ideal for beach holidays 

Uganda lies in the tropics and the Equator line; path of the sun bisects her into the north and southern hemisphere. Uganda’s terrain is generally a flat plateau with the Albertinerift valley taking up much of her western axis lying in the shadows of the Rwenzori Mountains.  Uganda receives two seasons of high rainfall (Mar-May and Oct-November) averaging 1000mm-2000mm not too much to cause constant hailstorms and floods and also two dry seasons (Dec-Feb and June-Aug) averaging 260 C not too hot to cause drought and aridity.
Uganda’s climatic and weather conditions are regulated by natural factors like location in the heart of Africa’s great lakes region surrounded by massive water bodies (Lake Victoria the largest flesh water lake on earth after Lake Superior, Lake Edward, Lake Albert and the Nile the longest river in the world). To this add a thick land cover with equatorial rain forest, savannah grassland and grassland woodland and wetland vegetation that yield to mild amounts of convectional rainfall.
Cool and serene environment for oudoor 

Uganda’s border lines are dominated by high altitudinal elevation with the Rwenzoris (5110m) and Muhabura (4127m) prominent features on the western axis bordering DR Congo while Mt Elgon (4321m) and Morungole (2150m) cannot be missed in the east bordering Kenya. These features have an effect of either yielding high relief rainfall or causing the rain shadow and low rainfall.  The above factors and large doses of heat in the tropics; paths of the sun make Uganda receive a pleasurable mix of cool and warm temperatures that support plant growth for man and his livestock and an ever growing wild vegetation that supports mammals, birds, insects, reptiles and other wildlife species.  A combination of aromatic smell of wilderness;air so pure and chaste and cool breezes with light torrents of rain gently caressing your skin make Uganda a magnet for those in search of holiday thrill and  fun. With a high sense of security vigilance for individual and properties, safari to Uganda is an authentic way of having your lifetime adventure dreams fulfilled at any time of the year.