Monday 12 February 2018

Chimpanzees Habituation in Kibale Forest National Park

Chimpanzees Habituations in Kibale.
Chimpanzees Habituation experience is the process of training wild chimpanzee to get used to human presence and they are being trained by researchers. It is one experience that makes you to spend the whole day with chimpanzees. Actually you can choice to come for chimpanzee’s trekking or chimpanzee’s habituation, but for chimpanzees habituation you have to book the permits in advances like one month before. This will enable us to make payment earlier to Uganda Wildlife Authority so as to get trekking group. Uganda has 4950 chimpanzees and 1500 chimpanzees are found in Kibale forest National Park.
The best month for chimpanzee habituation experience is around March, April, May and November because there is less tourist congestion in the park. The permits cost $220 for foreign non-residents, $150 for foreign residents and $70 for East Africans and the permits are only sold from Uganda wildlife authority [UWA]. For chimpanzee habituation experience the maximum number allowed per day is small group of eight people with the game ranger and the researchers only. With chimpanzee habituation clients should be assured of having whole day with the chimpanzee, taking much photography, getting more formation about the chimpanzees and knowledge.
While hiking the chimpanzee habituation experience you should expect to see other wildlife in the park like baboons, red tailed monkeys, elephants, black and white colubus, warthogs, buffaloes, bush pigs, leopards, African golden cats and many others. The bird species and butterflies will be observed and the beauty of the forest in generally will be enjoyed.
Chimpanzee habituation experience always starts very early in the morning because it gets when the chimpanzees are still at the nests. So the tourists should set off at 6am to forest and the meet the chimpanzee family and then follow them and view them the all day as they go about their lives, till late in the evening when they make a new nest to rest. Actually chimpanzees can over move thus they are so mobile, so tourists should come early enough so as to catch up with them before they leave to search for food in the forest.

Requirement for chimpanzee habituation.
The tourists should carry packed lunch, drinking water but went eating should not be near the chimpanzees. The clothes should be water proof, hiking rubber boots, long trousers, long sleeved shirt \ blouse ,insect repellent, rain jacket, camera plus its bag and extra batteries for photography since  you will have whole day with the chimpanzees.

Rules and regulation to consider before doing chimpanzee’s habituation and trekking
Ø  Access to the forest should be done with help of game ranger / guide but not only the tourists.
Ø  Children under the age of 12 years below are not allowed to accessing the park.
Ø  Always don’t carry cameras with flash light it can scare away the chimpanzees.
Ø  Eating near the chimpanzee is prohibited.
Ø  Give the chimpanzee distance of 8m
Ø  Anyone with communicable disease like flue and diarrhea are not allowed to trek.

Comparing between chimpanzee Habituation and chimpanzee trekking.
Chimpanzee Habituation experience is the process of training wild chimpanzees to get used to the presences of human being and the method was started by researchers. Chimpanzee trekking is an amazing wildlife experience of going into the jungle in search of wild chimpanzees with help of tour guide and game ranger from Uganda wildlife Authority.
Chimpanzee habituation permit cost $220 per permit and chimpanzee trekking permit cost $150 per permit.
Chimpanzee habituation takes whole day hiking the chimpanzees and chimpanzee trekking takes only 1-3 hours.
Chimpanzee habituation experience permits are booked one month in advance while chimpanzee trekking permits are can be booked three days  to the trek.
Booking Chimpanzee Habituation Permits
Chimpanzee Habituation experience permits are booked from Uganda wildlife authority main office which is located in Kampala kamwokya. The permits are booked month in advance because of the limited number of tourists who are allowed to visit chimpanzee habituation per day.

Some of the near accommodation in kibale national park
 Primate Lodge kibale
Kanyanchu River camp
Sebitoli camping ground
Kibale safari lodge
Kibale forest camp

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