Friday 2 February 2018

Activities from Semiliki National Park

What to do from Semuliki National Park
Semuliki National Park is found in Bundibugyo District in area known as Bwamba County in Western Uganda. In 1932 Semuliki forest Reserve was established as game reserve and later in October 1993 it was upgraded to the level of National Park. Semuliki National Park is one of the newest national parks in Uganda.
The Park covers an area of above 220 square kilometers and it’s being managed by Uganda Wildlife Authority. In East Africa National Parks, Semuliki National Park is the only zone of true lowland tropical rain-forest. The park is enriched with floral and fauna diversity in Africa hence hosting over 55 mammal’s species and over 441 recorded bird species.
The famous activities in Semuliki National Park are Hot springs hiking and bird watching.
Hot Springs
This hot springs are found in Sempaya area of Semuliki National Park and they are the most famous attraction at the park. The SemulikiNational Park Hot Springs are categories in two forms as female [inner] and male [outer] spring. The two hot springs are in the lush swampy area covering almost the all part of southern-eastern corner of the forest.
There are chances of seeing Red-tailed monkeys, grey-cheeked mangabeys and black and white colobus monkeys while on the trail leading to the outer ’’male’’ spring. To reach the inner ‘’female’’ spring it takes only 30 minutes hike through palm forest just from the main road in Semuliki National Park and the female spring is dominated by a boiling geyser. This inner hot spring is used by local and hikers to prepare food like boiling eggs, matooke and tea. Other local people use hot spring water as medicine to cure diseases.

Bird watching in Semuliki
Semuliki National Park forest is an extension of Congo Basin forest and it is the only park with example of Congo Basin Vegetation in Uganda. The park has over 441 recorded bird species and for all bird lovers who visit Semuliki will be rewarded with best Africa’s bird watching experience. At Sempaya and Ntandi are the best birding points to watch birds. Some of the birds include Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill, Great blue, yellow-throated Nicator and piping Hornbill to list the few.
Game Drive in Semuliki National Park
Game drive across the savannah grassland of semuliki national park where you will view and pass through smaller forest, spot herds of savannah elephants which are commonly seen, crocodiles, warthog, buffalos, Uganda kob, monkeys and water buck. Actually hippos, elusive bush babies and leopards are rarely seen from the park but you may get a chance to see them.
Cultural Encounters in Semuliki National Park
Cultural encounters to the nearby communities of Batwa people who are hunters-gatherer. The Batwa people have lived in the forest for all of their life time. They have entirely being depending on semuliki forest for food, shelter, medicine and tools. Despite the fact that, due to an increased interaction and intermarriages between the Batwa people and others nearby communities, has made the Batwa people to start changing from the forest lifestyle to the normal way of life. The tourism industry has played big role in providing source of income to the Batwa people by promoting tourism in Semuliki region. The life of the Batwa people has change totally; some have started attending school and they have got access to hospitals facilities.
Hiking and Nature walks in Semuliki National Park
Semuliki National Park hiking and nature walks are done in the three different trails. The 13 kilometers Kirumia Trail runs through the middle of semuliki forest towards Semuliki River. The hiking starts at 8:00am and it takes 8 hours hiking and it is good for birders.
Then 11 kilometers Red Monkey track extends to the eastern border of Semuliki National Park. While on the hike you will be able to view endangered Brazza’s as you go towards River Semuliki.
The 8 kilometers Sempaya nature trail takes 24 hours, starting in the morning/afternoon. You will spot the hot springs and primates while on hike.
Getting here
You will use Kampala- Fortal via Mubende is about 180km which takes 4-5 hours drive using 4WD vehicles.
Kampala –Fort Portal via Masaka, Mbarara and Kasese is about 465km which is 7-8 hours.
When to visit
Dry season- the dry seasons in Semuliki national park is between June and September. The temperatures are at average of 80 °F [25°C]. During this period most animals stay near water so as to get excess of water to kill off their thirty. Another good time to visit semuliki is around January to February.
Rainy Season- the rainy starts from October to December, March and May and many roads are hard to access. You should use 4WD vehicle when heading to Semuliki National Park.

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