Monday 13 November 2017

Nyungwe forest national park

Authentic Guide to Nyungwe Forest National Park
Nyungwe forest national park is found in the south west corner of the republic of Rwanda and the park has undamaged rain-forest that is filled with exciting biodiversity. Nyungwe forest national park is one of the world’s beautiful and unsoiled rain-forest mountain and the park covers over 1000 square kilometers. The Park Forest is accounted as one of Africa’s oldest forest which has leaved ever green vegetation for ages now.
The park is home to many variety animals, 75 species of mammals and over 300 bird species are found in the park.  Actually the park is home of Habituate chimpanzees and also home to 12 other primates’ species which include400 strong troop of habituate Rwenzori black and white colobus. Some of the mammals at the park include chimpanzees, silver monkey, and golden monkey, owl-faced, olive baboon to mention the few. The bird species include regal sun-birds, chestnut-throated, Archer’s Robin chat, white-bellied Robin chat to mention the few.
Top things to do from Nyungwe forest national park
Chimpanzees trekking
Nyungwe forest national park is home to 400 species of chimpanzees and the best park for chimpanzees tracking. The trekking starts in the morning and visitors spend one hour with the chimpanzees just like mountain gorillas. The number of trackers allowed to visit the chimpanzee’s family is maximum of 8 trackers per chimpanzee family. Visitors should carry packed lunch, enough drinking water and they have to bring long trousers, long sleeved shirt, rain jacket, hiking hat and hiking rubber boots shoes. Our visitors who go for trekking in Nyungwe forest national park have advantage that chimpanzees in Nyungwe forest national park are habituate that means there are already used to people and you will have chance of taking photos with them and best time with the chimps.

Monkey Tracking
Nyungwe forest national park is home of many animals species which include monkeys also, the park has habituation center for monkeys having more than 200 monkeys. At Nyungwe forest our visitors will also trek the grey cheeked mangabeys and the Ruwenzori colobus monkeys.
Bird Watching in Nyungwe forest national park
Nyungwe forest national parks is home of over 300 species of birds and 27 of them endemics and are found in the Albertine rift. Our visitors will see different kinds of birds and not only will they see birds but will also see others primates during that time of bird watching in Nyungwe forest.
Canopy walk and hike at Nyungwe forest.
Nyungwe forest canopy walk is the first tree top forest canopy walk in east Africa and the third in Africa. The visitors can enjoy the 60 metres about the forest floor between the giant trees and towers of the forest using the canopy walkway viewing wildlife and nature. When visiting Rwanda don’t miss visiting Nyungwe forest national park tour.
Hiking the trails
The park has many trials which lead you to the park. Our visitors will have nature walks using different trials while viewing different things like the mammals, the lush ever green vegetation and bird species in the forest. Hiking Nyungwe forest national park takes 4 hours to 3 days, Nyungwe national park has trails which are 130km and our visitors can spend ever three days hiking these trials in Nyungwe forest national park.

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